Spirituality is “a process of human life and development focusing on the search for a sense of meaning, purpose, morality, and well-being; in relationship with oneself, other people, other beings, the universe, and ultimate reality however understood (e.g., in animistic, atheistic, nontheistic, polytheistic, theistic, or other ways); orienting around centrally significant priorities; and engaging a sense of transcendence (experienced as deeply profound, sacred, or transpersonal)” (p. 75).

Hutchison, Elizabeth D.. Dimensions of Human Behavior: Person and Environment (p. 165). SAGE Publications. Kindle Edition.

The Maori community from New Zealand where the film was taken is about a young girl named Paikea who became chief of the clan and because she happens to be a female, is not fit to be one according to Grandfather Koro. Traditionally, to be a chief of the Maori clan, one must be male, skilled in fishing, hunting and communicating with the spiritual world. The necklace of a whale tooth is worn by every chief in the past and signifies and or represents ancestry and leadership. The second symbol is the connection between the Maori people and their ancestral land. The story of whale rider touches on symbolism. In this film, the whale and male as chief stands for that.

Māori Social and Family Structure

The Māori place great importance on their extended family and community, and they have a unique social and family structure that is based on strong values and traditions. In Māori society, the family is the foundation of their social structure, and the extended family is a crucial part of their lives. The Māori have a close-knit community, and they believe that everyone has a role to play in their society, regardless of age or status.

The role of elders and chiefs in Māori society is highly valued, and they are looked upon as leaders and respected for their wisdom and knowledge. Māori social etiquette and customs are an integral part of their culture, and they have a rich tradition of hospitality, generosity, and respect for others.Explore the Rich World of Māori Culture: Traditions, Beliefs, and Prac – Māori Language (maorilanguage.co.nz)



