Paradise is Many Places

This blog is really interesting to me because I see myself as someone who doesn’t connect with places as much as I do with people. Exploring how these have shaped me has been a really cool learning experience.

Rotary Park, Blue Springs, Missouri

I was born in Blue Springs, Missouri on July 21st, 2004. During my birth, I was born at a medical center right down the road from this park that conveniently had no doctors on staff that could deliver a baby when my Mother was rushed there. Ever since I last talked to her she still would talk about having to hold me in and all the medical complications that followed. I had to come in with a bang, apparently.

This park, outside of my Dad’s house, is the only place that I physically feel connected to in Blue Springs. I’ve only been back to the center I was born in once and I didn’t grow up in this city, so there’s not much I can say about it. This park is less than a minute drive from my Dad’s house, so we’d always come here to walk around and look at the geese that poop everywhere. My Dad is someone who enjoys deep conversations so this place feels like reflection and life. One of my favorite experiences with my father have been watching the live music that used to happen every Sunday pre-COVID and sitting on a bench during the Pokémon Go! trend and watching everyone run around with their phones like maniacs trying to catch Pokémon.

My elementary school, Independence, Missouri

The second place that I can recall shaping me is my elementary school. I honestly cannot remember exactly what elementary felt like, I only have memories of significant events or very insignificant events. I met my best friend here, Reina (pictured on the right) in fourth grade. We have gone through four different friend groups since then and still have stuck around together, which is insane to me. She’s the type of friend I catch up with every few months and will randomly send funny videos to. We just celebrated our ten years of friendship last year, which is crazy to think that I was in fourth grade eleven years ago — it feels like it was ages ago.

Despite making my longest standing friendship at this school, what I’m reminded of when I think of it is all the trauma I experienced during this time period. It’s interesting that the worst years of my life were when I was attending school in that building, learning basic math and how to write my name. This place and time period not only shaped me relationship wise but mentally. My elementary school feels like friendship and trauma.

Artist Point, Mountainburg, Arkansas several years apart

Arkansas is the place of my Dad’s birth and initial years. I don’t feel as connected to Arkansas as he does but it is still a place where I’ve created memories and have many family members at. Since I grew up in the Kansas City Metro area in Missouri and our family members live in the Little Rock Metro area in Arkansas, we always try to take the trip down every year to see them. It’s about a six hour and a half drive if you don’t stop. My favorite part is actually the stops in Fayetteville, where we get Braums and see “The Hog” (the mascot statue of the University of Arkansas); Little Rock, which is where we stay with my favorite Uncle Eddie; Alma/Mountainburg on the way back up which is where these two photos were taken.

We stop in Alma and Mountainburg (two towns that are very near each other) because my Dad is someone who is connected to places. He always remembers anything no matter how big or small about every place he’s visited, especially if his Grandmother or Mother were connected to those places too. We stop in Alma at this specific gas station because that’s where his Grandmother would always stop to get gas (the gas station sucks, it has some cool trinkets but there is only one bathroom and it’s always dirty). We stop in Mountainburg because his Mom (my Grandmother) before the big highway was built would stop at a park there and let him and his little brother play around. Artist Point specifically is a scenic location that we only go by because it’s absolutely gorgeous. Because my Dad is so connected to these places, I am too through proxy so it is now a place that has also shaped me. Arkansas feels like my Dad, through and through.

My high school on graduation day, Independence, Missouri

One of the most unfortunate places that has shaped me is my high school. I absolutely hated high school and would not redo it again even if I got paid to do so. I experienced the effects of COVID-19 my highest depression rates, and puberty all during these years. If I could give advice to my past self though, it would be to take my grades and extracurriculars more seriously.

My high school feels like sadness and senioritis.

My Gramps at his work in Independence, Missouri
My Gramps and Lugnut (the cat) at his work in Independence, Missouri

The place that shaped me the most emotionally is by far my Gramps (Grandfather)’s workplace. Everyday when I’m in Missouri I am visiting him there or going out to breakfast. We’ve had a lot of great conversations there and I’ve had a lot of good shared experiences. One of my favorite aspects of his work is their shop cat, Lugnut. She is the cutest little lady and my best friend. Ever since they got her five or six years ago I always come by to pet here and brush her. I don’t have a pet anymore but if I did, I would want one just like Lugnut.

My Gramps is my absolute best friend. I am such a replication of him that most of my habits are remodeled after him and I get along best with old people because of him (I think they can sense I was raised by him). He was my guardian when no one else was and my greatest confidant. Although we share complete opposite ends of political values, I still love him and appreciate all that he’s done for me. One of the greatest things he has taught me is to not fear his death or dread it, because it will eventually happen anyways and there is no point in getting worked up about it. I know that even when he’s gone he’ll always be with me and when I visit Missouri I’ll drive past that plot of land he works at and smile.

This place feels like my Gramps and Lugnut, two of the best things money can’t buy.

Seoul, South Korea

One of the coolest places that has shaped me is by far Seoul, South Korea. On my ten day drip there I learned a lot about myself and how I behave in foreign environments. Although I can read Korean and speak very basic sentences, I am nowhere near fluent so throwing myself alone into an environment like that was one of the biggest testers of perseverance for me. Everyday I had a random interaction with someone who didn’t speak any English and I didn’t speak enough Korean, so I was forced to work on my non-verbal communication skills and understanding a lot. I am proud of myself for taking this trip and getting myself out there, but when I visit next there are a lot of things I am going to change to make my experience better.

Seoul feels like change and growth.

Fairbanks, Alaska

Fairbanks has been a time. I have been up here for two years now and have somehow still not seen the aurora (I go to bed at like 9PM every night) and just recently seen my first moose. I have made more connections with peers and Professors than I have ever done and have become a student leader. I’ve debated dropping out and I’ve won the Academic Excellency Award. Fairbanks has shaped my adult life and my habits. I’ve learned a lot about myself and a lot of academic information.

I still have one more year in Fairbanks left before I am projected to graduate (with the exception of my one year in Japan) and it feels like I’ve done everything but nothing at the same time. I’m ready but I am nowhere near ready. I am happy and very proud of myself of taking the challenge to go so far from what I’ve always known — it has worked out in the end. I jumped to the deep end of my comfort zone coming here and I couldn’t of made a better decision.

Fairbanks feels like preparation, academia, professionalism, and coldness.

What do your places feel like?






7 responses to “Paradise is Many Places”

  1. Charles Stark Avatar
    Charles Stark

    Paradise, I loved reading about you and your places. Crazy how both of us have such non-traditional birth stories!

    My apartment in California where I live with my husband feels like rest.
    Being at my mom & stepdad’s RV feels like adventure.
    Being at my sister’s house feels like laughter.
    Being in Fairbanks feels like cold.

    1. Paradise Porter Avatar
      Paradise Porter

      Charlie, it’s so crazy how similar we are! I love describing places as emotions or activities, it’s made my understanding not only of how I perceive things but what activities I tend to do in those locations. Thank you for adding your feelings!

  2. Lillian Carstens Avatar
    Lillian Carstens

    Hey Paradise, I really enjoyed learning more about you and reading your blog, thank you for sharing your story. I also really like how you put what each place felt like to you at the end of each explanation. I noticed you said you had a horrible high school experience and I always find it so interesting to hear if people liked high school or not because every time I have asked someone they either hated it or loved it and there seems to be no in between. For me, I loved high school and I wish I could go back every day. Life for me during that time was so simple and I just miss not having very many responsibilities. Also it is so cool that you went to Seoul! Right after I graduated high school I went to Germany to meet a friend and we traveled all around Germany and France and I thought it was super eye opening for me to discover what kind of person I was so I thought it was interesting you had a similar experience. Very well put together blog, thank you!

    1. Paradise Porter Avatar
      Paradise Porter

      Lillian, thank you for commenting! I’m glad you had a good high school experience, it’s one of those things I wouldn’t wish bad on someone even if they were my mortal enemy. Going to those places and meeting a friend sounds so cool, I’m glad you had that experience! So far, I have been a solo traveler and I’m not sure if I’d be better or worse traveling with someone else.

  3. Danelle Avatar

    Hi Paradise, I really enjoyed reading your blog. You have had many experiences in your life so far, and it is great to read about! One thing I missed out on was traveling to new places. Before my addiction, I had the chance, but for some reason, I was not able to pull myself too far away from my homeland. Now that I am older and we have made it past covid, I am hoping to see the world and learn about new cultures. I also loved reading about your Gramps. It made me miss my Grandparents greatly, and I’m happy that you have such a great relationship with your Gramps.

    1. Paradise Porter Avatar
      Paradise Porter

      Danelle, thank you for commenting! I have always been envious of being so connected to your homeland, so I think that is a very beautiful thing that should be celebrated. I hope you can go out and see the world, it’s beautiful out there! I’m glad you liked the piece about my Gramps, that was my favorite part to write. Grandparents are truly one of a kind!

  4. Lane Hubbard Avatar
    Lane Hubbard

    Hi Paradise, I really connected with a lot of your post and especially the places you mentioned as well! I grew up in Missouri as well, and Arkansas was also where my father grew up and I have a lot of extended family there. Seeing so many of the places you showed, and then depicting the destination you are at now as Fairbanks, it feels almost strange to see someone who while we have such different experiences, we still seem to share a similar journey to me in terms of location and where we ended up. I am excited for you to be able to continue your journey outside of the academic setting and I hope you have fun in Japan!