Category: Uncategorized

  • You make a difference in me and others.

    You make a difference in me and others.

    Chapter 5 Covered Relationships, stress and coping. The section I was task with teaching covered Relational Theory, Attachment Theory, Impact of Early Nurturing on Development, Feminist Theories of Relationships and Social Identity Theory. While this section had a lot to cover, I wanted the Relational Theory and the Attachment Theory to be my focal point.…

  • Revolutionary People

    Revolutionary People

    Revolutionary Social Work is a powerful concept and one that I didn’t begin to understand until recently. Before diving into it, I noticed something interesting, which I believe our professor pointed out in one of the earlier lectures, but the concept of revolutionary social work isn’t thaaaat talked about in the United States. And I…

  • The City & Me: A Photo Story

    The City & Me: A Photo Story

    IntroductionHi everyone, my name is Lane Hubbard. You have probably read at least one of my blogs by now and possibly one of the ones that go over me, myself, or I, but if not then this portion is here to fill you in on a little bit about me before we get to the…

  • Episode 42: Heart Wisdom and Talking Circles: A Dialogue with Ilarion Merculieff

    Episode 42: Heart Wisdom and Talking Circles: A Dialogue with Ilarion Merculieff

    Ilarion Merculieff, a revered Unangan Elder known for his dedication to advocating for Indigenous rights and environmental stewardship. The host for this podcast is Professor Christian Stettler from UAF Social Worker Department. The Critical Social Worker Podcast is a Conscious Party platform for talking circles and a sacred space for understanding, listening and healing of…

  • Under Pressure

    Under Pressure

    The seasons are changing, midterms are here, our kids and our parents are getting older, the bills keep coming, bosses are asking more of us (often without incentive or compensation), we’re more diagnosed than at any other time in history, and the economy is… what it is. And for many of us and our clients,…

  • Lessons in Indigenous Wisdom: Insights from Ilarion Merculieff

    Lessons in Indigenous Wisdom: Insights from Ilarion Merculieff

    Ilarion Merculieff Ilarion Merculieff is a distinguished Indigenous leader renowned for his advocacy, wisdom, and commitment to serving his people, the Unangan (Aleut) of the Pribilof Islands, and Indigenous communities globally. With over four decades of experience in various leadership roles, Ilarion has made significant contributions locally, nationally, and internationally. As the first Alaska Native…

  • Roses Have Thorns

    Roses Have Thorns

    I was charged in creating a blog over the podcast from Ilarion Merculieff. He talked about so many points that all deserve to be looked at more. Because of this, I have decided to break down to the points that kept me thinking. These are: Heart Wisdom Distractions Reactive Instead of Listening Heart Wisdom What…

  • Thunderheart (1992)

    Thunderheart (1992)

  • Coping and Adaptation

    Coping and Adaptation

    Coping can be defined as the conscious and unconscious efforts we put in to solve problems and reduce stress in our lives.Adaption refers to the adjustments we make to our lifestyle, perceptions, or biological responses. I want to start by highlighting three specific views on how our minds and body cope. Biological CopingInvolves the body’s…

  • Pan’s Labyrinth -Trauma, Morality and Free Will

    Pan’s Labyrinth is considered a dark fairytale. It takes place after the Spanish civil war. The young girl Ofelia, who the story centers around, is the only child of her mother who was left widowed after the war. Her mother remarries Captain Vidal, who is a fascist and morally corrupt, and becomes pregnant. Ofelia and…

  • Exploring the Depths of “Pan’s Labyrinth”

    Exploring the Depths of “Pan’s Labyrinth”

    In Guillermo del Toro’s haunting masterpiece, “Pan’s Labyrinth” (2006), we are transported to the tumultuous environment of post-Civil War Spain. Against this stage, we follow the journey of Ofelia, a young girl who discovers a mystical labyrinth that leads her into a world of wonder and danger. Origins and Settings The characters in “Pan’s Labyrinth”…

  • Tradition and Leading from the Heart

    Tradition and Leading from the Heart

    Ilarion (Larry) Merculieff was born in St. Paul, Alaska and is known as one of the last Unangan (Aleut) raised with a traditional upbringing. Ilarion has served multiple prestigious positions. He is the founder and president of the Global Center for Indigenous Leadership and Lifeways (CGILL). He was the first Alaska Native commissioner of the…

  • Wiinga, Yuillquq-llu: The Tundra and I

    Wiinga, Yuillquq-llu: The Tundra and I

    Ciumek, Napaskiaq: First, Napaskiak Napaskiak is the village that housed, nurtured, and grew me. Since its population is under 400 people, everyone knows everyone, and everyone is related to each other, or at least distantly. My values and morals developed in this village, by elders speaking to my classmates and I during school, and learning…

  • The places of me

    The places of me

    My story starts in Palmer, Alaska. I was born to a Pastor and a school teacher, both missionaries in Alaska far removed from their southern upbringings. I have a brother who is three and a half years older than me and had a very strong personality. My parents used to tell me that I didn’t…

  • Self, Soul, and Flow

    Self, Soul, and Flow

    Our textbook asks the question, “How would you define self?” I tried and I was left speechless. It wasn’t until after reading the different perspectives addressed in our textbook that I felt like I could come up with some sort of answer. If you continue reading my blog, keep that question in the back of…

  • Learning the land from one another

    Learning the land from one another

    Inupiat values are a lot different than western culture when it comes to the land. The Inupiat people believe they aren’t the owners of the land the land owns itself. They believe in preserving the land, respecting it and using the resources of the land in moderation. The Picture of above shows raw land without…

  • How Much of Our Minds Do We Actually Use?

    There are terms that I found really helpful in this chapter so I am going to list them here so that you can read them. In Gardner’s eight intelligence theory, the brain is not looked at as just a whole thing but as a central unit that has different areas that help with cognitive functions.…

  • The Meaning Behind Global Water

    The Meaning Behind Global Water

    Cultural Perspectives As a social worker we are encouraged to learn and respect different cultures around the world. Especially being in America we are a country that has always been very diverse culturally. Many cultures view water as significant among their traditions, rituals, and daily lives. In some cultures, water is revered as sacred, symbolizing…

  • Theories of Emotion

    Theories of Emotion

    The human brain is physically wired for emotion. While feeling emotion is a brain function, the hypothalamus plays a major role in mediation its manifestation. However, categorizing these preprogrammed feelings cognitively is another aspect of emotion. Primary Emotions and Secondary Emotions Emotions are classified as primary or secondary by theorists. Primary Emotions might have developed…

  • Faluwasch: “Our Land”

    Faluwasch: “Our Land”

    When I think of the “Places of Me“, the only thing that really comes to me is the island I am from. Saipan is a small island located in the Western Pacific Ocean. I have not been anywhere else but here, and I am proud to say I love the island I am from. There…