Category: Uncategorized

  • How Much of Our Minds Do We Actually Use?

    There are terms that I found really helpful in this chapter so I am going to list them here so that you can read them. In Gardner’s eight intelligence theory, the brain is not looked at as just a whole thing but as a central unit that has different areas that help with cognitive functions.…

  • The Meaning Behind Global Water

    The Meaning Behind Global Water

    Cultural Perspectives As a social worker we are encouraged to learn and respect different cultures around the world. Especially being in America we are a country that has always been very diverse culturally. Many cultures view water as significant among their traditions, rituals, and daily lives. In some cultures, water is revered as sacred, symbolizing…

  • Theories of Emotion

    Theories of Emotion

    The human brain is physically wired for emotion. While feeling emotion is a brain function, the hypothalamus plays a major role in mediation its manifestation. However, categorizing these preprogrammed feelings cognitively is another aspect of emotion. Primary Emotions and Secondary Emotions Emotions are classified as primary or secondary by theorists. Primary Emotions might have developed…

  • Faluwasch: “Our Land”

    Faluwasch: “Our Land”

    When I think of the “Places of Me“, the only thing that really comes to me is the island I am from. Saipan is a small island located in the Western Pacific Ocean. I have not been anywhere else but here, and I am proud to say I love the island I am from. There…

  • Good Will Hunting: The Fear of Happiness

    IntroductionThe movie Good Will Hunting follows a young man named Will Hunting in his early 20s who is extremely intelligent, but consistently has a hard time holding down a job and constantly gets into fights or other various trouble with law enforcement. Will has grown up and spent his entire life living in south Boston,…

  • Decolonizing Trauma Through Indigenous Practices

    Decolonizing Trauma Through Indigenous Practices

    Expanding Our View of Trauma and Healing Intergenerational Trauma and Indigenous Healing Practices The Path Towards Healing and Decolonization

  • Navigating Ideological Currents: Social Work Responses to Policy Proposals by Vivek Ramaswamy

    Vivek Ramaswamy, is known for his conservative political views and business acts, he has proposed policy ideas that may not consistently align with the core principles of social work. I will try to examine how his proposals and ideologies intersect with these principles by using sources that I have gathered from different outlets. In terms…

  • Man Belongs to Earth, Man Has Spirituality, Spirituality is Founded in Earth

    Man Belongs to Earth, Man Has Spirituality, Spirituality is Founded in Earth

    This we know: the earth does not belong to man, man belongs to earth. All things are connected like the blood that unites us all. Man did not weave the web of life, he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself. Kawagley, A.O & Chief Sealth…

  • Indigenous Emotional Perspectives

    Indigenous Emotional Perspectives

    This Week’s Textbook Material Summary: Psychology: The mind’s mental way of processing information, in both the cognitive and emotional way (pg. 219) Cognition: The conscious thinking process – in-taking outside information, reflecting on it, making a plan of action, and undergoing the action is cognition in a Social Work perspective (pg. 219) Emotion: State of…

  • The People Who Never Give Up The Fight No Matter The Circumstance

    The People Who Never Give Up The Fight No Matter The Circumstance

    Does anyone know the one thing that you need to be in a field like ours? Any show of hands? Alright, Let’s see…….. Elizabeth (Girl in the green Shirt)! Elizabeth: You need to have a fighting spirit. Good, Yes you do need to have a fighting spirit. Does anyone know why you need to have…

  • Podcast Reflection: Dr. Lesther Papa

    Podcast Reflection: Dr. Lesther Papa

    Mission Statement:The Critical Social Worker podcast unfolds unique stories and diverse perspectives to foster critical dialogue, empathy, and understanding for all listeners. Through storytelling, we aim to change ourselves and the world, one story at a time. The Critical Social Worker podcast offers an insightful probe into the social work landscape through fascinating discussions. It…

  • There is No Gene for Fate

    There is No Gene for Fate

    Exploring the Ethical Dilemmas of Genetic Engineering The conversation around genetic engineering is exciting, intimidating, and, at times, confusing- but it is certainly one that needs to continue as medical and technological advancements continue to present opportunities for improvements in both quality and length of life. In Gattaca, we’re able to imagine some of those…

  • Indigenous Science is Real, Proven Science

    Indigenous Science is Real, Proven Science

    This blog will be focused more on Indigenous science as a whole, since there is not a lot of information on the Indigenous perspective on biology specifically. Colonialism comes in all forms and for Indigenous peoples, colonialism meant the eradication and replacement of all forms of Indigenous thought and practice. Anything thought of and practiced…

  • My Story Through Pictures

    My Story Through Pictures

    Childhood Home. Picture taken in 2011 This is the home I grew up in. This is not the home where I came home from the hospital when I was born. I moved into this house when my parents got divorced and my dad sold his family home. My dad and stepmom and younger sister still…

  • “The Pianist”

    “The Pianist”

    “The Pianist” is a cinematic exploration of survival, resilience, and human behavior in extreme situations. “The Pianist” is a movie that came out in 2002 and was directed by Roman Polanski. It tells the story of Władysław Szpilman, a Polish-Jewish pianist and composer, and shows how he manages to survive during World War II. It’s…

  • Decolonizing the Way of All Life

    Decolonizing the Way of All Life

    Yuuyaraq: The Way of the Human Being Summary of both the film and the book: In the beginning, there were Indigenous peoples in Alaska, before kass’at/white people came to the land. The villages were rich with culture, traditions, music, and yuuyaraq, the sets of rules that corrected the behavior of all peoples. When the missionaries…

  • Land Acknowledgements

    Land Acknowledgements

    truth telling and resistance… Decolonization means undoing the effects of colonization by consciously considering to what degree we and the world we live in have been manipulated, controlled, misled, and silenced by the processes and structures of colonialism. With this knowledge, we seek to engage in truth tellingintelligent and calculated resistanceand decolonized nation-rebuilding that honors…

  • My Photo Story

    My Photo Story

    9311 Jorwoods Drive – South Texas (1995-2005?) Pictured above, is my childhood home. The house I grew up in, in South Texas, and the place where all of my childhood memories took place. I have moved around to a lot of different houses throughout my lifetime, but this is the only one I remember every…

  • Follow the Yellow Brick Road….

    Follow the Yellow Brick Road….

    I bet when you read the title the first thing that came to your mind was The Wizard of Oz! I used to always think that until I found myself in the snow miles away from home undergoing substance abuse treatment at no other than Hazelden. My stay there for the following 30 days landed…

  • Social Worker.

    Social Worker.

    In the podcast Empowerment as Practice with Marya Wright she addressed some real concerns that social workers face. My title is her merchandise brand meaning social worker period. One thing that Marya said which I thought was very meaningful was “embrace being a social worker now, not in 4 years when you get your degree”.…