Category: Uncategorized

  • Two Worlds

    Two Worlds

    Cross-continental Journeys: Dr. M bise on Language, Migration, Health and More Dr. M. Bise was featured as a guest on “The Critical Social” podcast with Professor Christian Settler. In episode 44, “Cross-continental Journey’s: Language Migration, Health, and social work” discuss topics centering around language, black perspectives in Alaska, migration and more. Christian starts the podcast…

  • Photo Story: A Visual Journey through Time, Space, and Place

    Photo Story: A Visual Journey through Time, Space, and Place

    Throughout my life, I have been shaped by the many places that I have lived in or visited. Earlier on in my life, my family moved often, which led me to live in a variety of different cities and places, such as Parchment, Kalamazoo, Portage, Florida, and most recently, Battle Creek. However, it isn’t just…

  • Smoke Signals

    Smoke Signals

    Smoke Signals is about life on and Indian Reservation in 1976. They are in Coeur d’Alene Indian Reservation, Idaho. It starts off with a family hosting a 4th of July party at their home and it was the largest party in their history, then at 3:00 in the morning, everyone was passed out on couches,…

  • “The Spiritual Rollercoaster: The Ups, Downs, and the Real”

    “The Spiritual Rollercoaster: The Ups, Downs, and the Real”

    What’s up, class? Welcome to Mr. Shelton’s virtual blog classroom. Today, we will “dive” or look or contemplate or as we would say in my Detroit home, “We gonna analyze the sit-che-ation” into a super exciting topic from our textbooks: Theories of Spiritual Development. The relevant discussion in our textbooks is on pages 171 to…

  • Place Attachment & Homelessness

    Place Attachment & Homelessness

    Place Attachment is the process by which individuals and groups form bonds with places. It is a multidimensional phenomenon involving person, place, and psychological process of attachment Person (individual and group levels): Individual place attachment develops out of personally important experiences. Group place attachment develops out of symbolic meanings of a group. Place: A space…

  • One Who Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (1975)

    One Who Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (1975)

    The multicultural ensemble of “One Who Flew Overthe Cuckoo’s Nest” is a microcosm of Americansociety in the ’60s. Native American Chief Bromdenfaces challenges related to his heritage and identity in a culture where white people hold most of the power. Coming from an unknown place, Randle McMurphy has a history of criminal activities. It is…

  • The Critical Social Worker

    The Critical Social Worker

    Episode 44: Cross-Continental Journeys | Dr. Amana Mbise on Language, Migration, Health, Social Work Episode 44 was mainly about Dr. Amana Mbise, and his journey of becoming and living as a revolutionary social worker. He is originally from Tanzania, which is a country based in East Africa, and is one of eight children. He is…

  • Episode 44: Cross Continental Journeys – an interview with Dr. Amana Mbise

    Episode 44: Cross Continental Journeys – an interview with Dr. Amana Mbise

    The Critical Social worker can be heard live on Saturday mornings at 9am: Links to an external site. Currently Dr. Mbise is a professor of Social Work at UAA, though his journey originally had him in the realm of sociology. His choice to move into social work stemmed from wanting to not only study…

  • “Slow Motion Car Crash” – Marianne Williamson

    “Slow Motion Car Crash” – Marianne Williamson

    Who Is Marianne Williamson Marianne Williamson is an accomplished 71-year-old author. She has publish 15 books with 4 of them being “#1 New York Times best sellers”. She is a spiritual leader and runs workshops on how to tap into yourself. In 1989, she founded a non-profit to feed homebound patients. In 2004, she co-founded…

  • Paradise is Many Places

    Paradise is Many Places

    This blog is really interesting to me because I see myself as someone who doesn’t connect with places as much as I do with people. Exploring how these have shaped me has been a really cool learning experience. I was born in Blue Springs, Missouri on July 21st, 2004. During my birth, I was born…

  • Breaking Barriers: Creating Inclusive Environments for Persons with Disabilities

    Breaking Barriers: Creating Inclusive Environments for Persons with Disabilities

    In this blog post I will break down key concepts that I noticed and considerations related to the Accessible Environments for Persons with Disabilities portion of the textbook.  I will be highlighting the importance of addressing societal barriers and promoting equal opportunities for individuals of all abilities. Understanding Disability as a Social Construct Drawing from…

  • Trump & Ideology: Working with Clients with Different Views

    Trump & Ideology: Working with Clients with Different Views

    IntroductionThe social work profession is one that very much requires navigating, specifically in the social sense though. Within the U.S., the way disagreements are handled, especially in the political arena, have on average become more and more about “winning” rather than resolving or addressing an issue. It is the goal of this blog post to…

  • Post Colonial Trauma and  Memory Work

    Post Colonial Trauma and Memory Work

    According to our text, Trauma has been clinically defined as a deeply distressing or disturbing experience that exists along a complex spectrum affecting childhood development with lifelong emotional and physical conse-quences ( Briere and Spinazzola, 2005 ). Trauma is the result of a high level of stress that stretches beyond the mind’s capacity to process…

  • The Story of a Country Girl

    The Story of a Country Girl

    So, the first thing that we have to start with for my story is the city of Griffin. In 1998, a baby girl was born in January into the loving arms of Kansas. (Yes! My mother’s name is Kansas, just like the state). She is the one who teaches me to be a strong independent…

  • Untitled post 13421

    Spirituality is “a process of human life and development focusing on the search for a sense of meaning, purpose, morality, and well-being; in relationship with oneself, other people, other beings, the universe, and ultimate reality however understood (e.g., in animistic, atheistic, nontheistic, polytheistic, theistic, or other ways); orienting around centrally significant priorities; and engaging a…

  • Photos Worth Many Words

    Photos Worth Many Words

    Nashville, Tennessee is where I’ve spent most of my life. My family moved there in 1996 when I was 4 years old. When I was 17 I moved out of my mom’s house and lived with a friend on the other side of the city until I after my 19th birthday (2013). I moved back…

  • The Journey Back to Jingalong

    The Journey Back to Jingalong

    The Rabbit-Proof Fence is a phenomenal film and was surprised at how much I enjoyed it. To briefly review, the film is based on a true story about three girls named Molly, Daisy, and Gracie, who are indigenous children from a small village in Australia –Jingalong. The three girls are taken by government authorities and…

  • Traversing the World of Beliefs: An Exploration into Spirituality

    Traversing the World of Beliefs: An Exploration into Spirituality

    Social work is a profession dedicated to improving the well-being of individuals and communities. In this improved well-being, spirituality plays a crucial role in shaping the holistic approach of social workers. In this blog we will be exploring a few concepts, such Canda and Furman’s “five broad historic phases”, the implications of spirituality as it…

  • Places that Shaped Me

    Places that Shaped Me

    The Space Where My Story Started Villages That Shaped My Early Years Love and Loss Survival Finding Sobriety Out of the Darkness

  • The spiritual dimension

    The spiritual dimension

    Spirituality is defined as “”a process of human life and development”. Where someone seeks out their purpose, meaning, morality and well-being. They are able to be in a relationship with themselves, other people, other things, the universe etc. You orient yourself around significant priorities and engage in transcendence. Spirituality is often confused with Religion however…