Category: Uncategorized

  • We Are Our Environment   (Break The Cycle)

    We Are Our Environment (Break The Cycle)

    Affecting the Ones He Loves Never Had a Chance The film Fences set in the 1950’s. This was a time during a lot of racial tension because of the Civil Rights Movement. You had people that support the movement and wanted racism and segregation to be abolished but of course there were others that would…

  •  Behavioral and Humanistic Perspectives

    Application in Practice: Before we move to the client centered approach and effectiveness and limitations on the two perspectives, we must understand the difference between both theories. Behavioral Perspectives definition is a learned behavior as Individual’s interact with the environment while Humanistic perspective often called the “third force” of psychology is “who I am” Behavioral…

  • Resilience of B-Rabbit: Movie Reflection of 8 Mile

    Resilience of B-Rabbit: Movie Reflection of 8 Mile

    Movie Summary: Taken place in Detroit, Michigan, Jimmy Smith Jr. is an upcoming white rapper who dreams of making it big. His stage name being B-Rabbit, he is determined to leave his impoverished trailer park home to rise to fame. The movie depicts his internal and external conflicts of his environment while experiencing social systems…

  • All The Different Pieces

    All The Different Pieces

    White-washed, Oklahoma No, the town was not really called this, but it might as well have been. From the age of birth through 4th grade, I grew up in southern Texas, and when I say southern, I mean as south as you can go. So south, that my mom and sisters and I frequently made…

  • Discovering My Place and Path

    PAST/FUTURE/PRESENT Growing up, I struggled with the challenge of self-discovery during the chaos of my disconnected family. Our bonds were weak, they were mere facades of what true family connection should entail. My journey was ruined by horrifying experiences of neglect, abuse, and unspeakable horrors. Yet, I’ve learned to distinguish the pain of my past,…

  • A never Ending Journey

    A never Ending Journey

     My name is Monique Carter and I am Junior at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks. Currently,I am completing my bachelor’s degree, majoring in social work with a minor in Addictions Counseling. I completed my minor in April, 2021. Ever since I could remember, being in the social work helping profession is something I have always…

  • A little lost…

    A little lost…

    I have lived in Alaska for 37 years. I not only grew up there but started raising my family there. It is all I know. The last year has been difficult on me with my parents aging. My mom passed away in January and my father is now at a point that he is needing…

  • The Emergence of a Leader

    The Emergence of a Leader

    Unleashing My Inner Strength by David Shelton “I thought I knew who I was – a musician who could sing and play instruments. But what am I? Who am I? Personal identity is complex, and I have realized it is a lifelong journey of self-discovery requiring continuous introspection and growth. From a young age, I…

  • A Time of Renewal

    A Time of Renewal

    My name is Danni and I’m a newly single mother of 6. I have been in the process of a separation and divorce over the last two years from a very abusive marriage. It has been a heartbreaking and world-shattering process for myself and my children. However, with the end of one phase of life,…

  • What made me, me, and who am I becoming?

    What made me, me, and who am I becoming?

    Growing up This is a picture of me, my older brother, and our parents. I’m sitting on my mom’s lap holding that very tiny award compared to my brother’s two huge academic trophies. My background is of a mix heritage, Indigenous and European. I grew up the first twelve years of my life going to…

  • The one from Nome (sort of)

    The one from Nome (sort of)

    My name is Fawn. In most of my classes I’m referred to as “the one from Nome”. I’m not really from Nome though. I’ve lived here long enough that people think I’m from here and I don’t mind. Nome is an absolutely amazing place to live, raise a family, and be from. My wife is…

  • This Journey Called Life

    This Journey Called Life

    I thought to myself what would be appropriate for this blog. I wanted a picture that could paint a picture of my journey . A picture of me as a child, then a teen, then an adult might have did the job or maybe some military pictures, a screenshot of a news article praising me…

  • The Here, There, and Back Again

    The Here, There, and Back Again

    Most of us are familiar with the popular Dr. Seuss book, Oh the Places You’ll Go, which was an iconic book for many of us as children, but few of us when reading it as children understand the point of the book. To sum it up nicely, the purpose of the book is to remind us…

  • Torches

    Trigger warning: there are happenings discussed and alluded to that involve abuse to minors.       There’s an odd feeling, when you handle that torch for the first time. Turning it in your hand, feeling the roughness of the grain in the handle, finding the smooth places where hundreds of hands have held it before. Gripping…

  • From Then to Now to Who Knows When?

    From Then to Now to Who Knows When?

    Hi everyone, my name is Lane Hubbard. Many of you have probably read at least one of my blogs from last semester and I already did a couple of blogs regarding my life in various perspectives. It is because of that, this blog post will focus mainly on the past year, the year of 2023,…

  • A Walk To Remember

    A Walk To Remember

    Welcome, baby gurl! Are you ready to go on the walk of your life? It is okay, baby gurl, we will be right behind you. Baby Gurl, you will can start your walk on January 30th at 1630. Now, that you are in the hands of your amazing momma, we, the angels, are gonna go…

  • Places, People, Peace

    Places, People, Peace

    By: Alexa Adelmeyer As I’ve sat pondering on the question, “Where am I from?”, I originally wanted to write Juneau, AK, and leave it at that, it turns out, there’s more to that answer. I was born in Juneau, and I’ve never officially moved away. My father was born in Juneau but moved when he…

  • The Names I Have

    The Names I Have

    Ana Fulcher Hello everyone, My name is Ana Fulcher. This is one of the many names I have been given over time. People expect names like Mom, Daughter, Wife, ext. This are names I carry, but they are not all. In each stage of my life, I have gone through a different name. Each of…

  • Still Becoming

    Still Becoming

    I was born and raised here in Fairbanks, Alaska. My mom made my childhood an adventure. She instilled a deep appreciation in me for nature and the living. Not only people but animals, insects, and plants. I spent my childhood watching my single mom fill up our vehicle with tents, food, dogs, and my siblings.…

  • Environmental Impacts

    Environmental Impacts

    My name is Charlie Stark. I am the son of Terry Walker and Cindy Wall. I am a brother to Kayla, Trina, Kristen, and Kenny. I am married to Will. I am a nephew, an uncle, a student, and a community member. I was able to do a DNA kit with Ancestry at the beginning…